Sunday, October 19, 2008

Strawberry and Cream Cake

This is not actually a cake tapi lebih kepada puding. Bila dah beberapa kali tengok kat uktv food, rasanya macam senang je. Masa birthday Fizzy ni, inilah first time buat. Memang sedap...dan rasanya semuanya suka..This is the perfect dessert sebab ianya sedap dan menggunakan banyak strawberry which is perfect combination with cream and castard. Rasberry and chocolate tu sebenarnya sendiri tokok tambah. Resepi asalnya hanya guna strawberry sahaja, dihias dengan caramel.



1 large ready-made sponge flan case
750 ml double cream
100 g castor sugar
1 shot lime juice (lebih kurang 1 sudu besar)
200 ml ready-made custard
50 g icing sugar


1. Using a 20-25 cm steel cake ring (springform type)
2. cut centre of the flan in size of the cake ring-disc
3. cut the disc into 2 thin discs
4. place one of the disc into the ring.
5. In bowl, whip double cream with castor sugar and lime juice (alternatively whisk the cream and sugar until soft peak form)
6. fold in custard. Place in the fridge
7. Line the ring with the strawberry halves with cut-side facing outward.
8. Top with cream mixture. Place the other flan disc on top.
9. to remove the disc, apply hot cloth around the ring, gently remove the ring.
10. dust icing sugar on top of the cake and garnish with strawberries and rasberries.

tangan sapa kenal je budak kecik ni..misti adik angkat Bob nih


maz said...

Nampak lengan gebu je..dah kenal.Anak angkat semua orang la tuh! Partner garang..Suara cute je kalau panggil mama dia..Kalau tumbuk budak lain..tak cute langsung

Khamsah said...

garang tak pe, nanti nak jadi body guard abang long dia